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New city, feeling alone.

I moved to Cambridge about 7 months ago to start a new job, but have been feeling really alone and miserable most of the time. I work in a large company of about 300 employees, but am the only person under the age of 25 (I'm 21), and I'm one of the only females in a 95% male office. The first few months were ok, but then I started feeling outcast, looked down on and not part of the team at all. I've made only a small handful of friends at my workplace, but I wouldn't consider us close or anything. A few I feel are using me in the hopes of getting into a relationship, which I'm not interested in, so I've felt the need to cut them out of my lives pretty quick before I lead them on.

I don't meet people outside of work. I got to the gym, but struggle to talk to people. I wouldn't consider myself shy (once I get talking, I do fine) but I'm just very apprehensive to start conversations. Especially with females. I'm not getting too deep into it, but I really struggle talking to girls.

I was in a relationship over the winter months, but I was badly hurt from it when he broke up and now I just feel more lonely and isolated than before. I don't know how to cope, and find myself coming back to my parents house a lot of weekends...

80% of the contact I DO make is with men hitting on me, which isn't healthy for me at all. I'm not meeting people who are actually interested in getting close, and it's kinda effecting me.

Overall I'm just wondering how I can meet people, or surround myself with more opportunities to talk to people? I worry that the longer I go without regular contact, the more withdrawn I'll become.

Anon for reasons..

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