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Am I the problem?

Ok this is my first time posting anywhere about these problems. I chose general because I dont know where this should go.

Well here goes............................

I have been married for 11 years. My wife has been in school for 9 of those years. I have tried to help her out in any way that I can, but its hard with my work. I take day trips alot and some times i have to spend the night in a hotel. The problem with this is that, she complains that its her time to be able to finish school. That and its my fault that its taking her so long to complete. I admit that I put alot of myself into my work, due to the fact that we have 2 children and a mortgage. Whats really unfair is that she changed her major 1 semester away from graduating and had to start from the begining again. I wasnt given much choice in that due to the fact she said that she wasnt going to be happy. She recently wanted to quit school due to stress, but i wanted her to finish. We sank almost $19,000 into her schooling with student loans. I didnt want to waste that much money. Now its my fault that she is stressed out, according to her. Should I have just le t her quit?

I just got a new position at work and requires me to put in longer hours, basically on salary. When they give me the chance for Overtime, she wont let me take it due to her schedule with school. I'm trying to look out for the family, but it looks to everyone else that i just dont want to spend time with my family. I'm looking at it as making $60 and hour vs $30 and hour.....I want to be able to provide for my kids and make the mortgage go down faster. Am I a bad parent?

Finally, INTIMACY. Ok, my wife is not the most robust person in the world. She is often sick, with what she calls "stress related" ailments. This does put a major damper on our sex life. I try to be understanding and not push, but when I ask if we can have sex, I'm just sex crazed and not thinking of her. Within the past 2 and 1/2 years, we have had sex, maybe 8 times. I have tried to find other ways of us rekindle and reconnect. I suggest going out and doing things together when the kids sleep over at their grandparents house. I have suggested the movies, golfing, going out to the local street fairs, playing pool, and others that I cant really remember. In the past 2 and 1/2 years, we have only gone out twice like this. All other times she is too tired, or not feeling well. Yet when her friends from work want to do something like what i suggest, she goes. No matter how she feels. But when i want to go out with my friends from work, I have to ask and what she say s is final, while she tells me that she is going out.

I'm very fustrated sexually, emotionally, and I'm starting to take my fustrations out on my kids, which i really hate myself for.

What am i doing wrong?

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