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How to broach personal grooming with husband

Six years into marriage, i'm 31, H is 38. I don't think I am a fussy person, but recent developments for me made me wonder if I am bothered by my H's slipping standards of personal grooming and self care. I don't mean hygiene issues so much, more issues like... ugh...

* I don't know why but he always tries to go to cheap places for hair cuts and he gets what he pays for.

* He is half mediterranean and so he has hairy eyebrows (monobrow-ish) and when he has a beard he doesn't maintain it too well.

* His oral health is very good (he is very fussy) but he has an area of a crown tooth at the front that is wearing away and there is basically a brown streak down the side of his tooth.

* Skin care, he use to be more fussy about that too, but he doesn't do anything for his skin now, and he gets bad blackheads that are quite visible on his nose.

* In terms of how he dresses, he has gone down hill in that department. And again, I am not fussy, but he will wear things that don't match, he will wear t shirts with holes, a bright blue and white homie G cap that he got for Christmas with clothes that don't match at all.

He has put on weight since.marriage, partly due to habits and partly due to a medication he is on, but he hasn't done much to lose it. He is limited in terms of what he can do for exercise because of injuries, but even so, I feel like he cola out and doesn't take enough initiative or do what he CAN do.

I hadn't given it alot of thought until recently, but I am wondering if it is putting a damper on my attraction for him. I feel horrible saying that. And when it crossed my mind before, I dismissed it.

I am scared that we are not that old but he acts like an old man with the self care stuff, and "it's all down hill from here".

Have you faced a similar issue with your spouse? If do, how did you address it with them sensitively?
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