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Can't really *feel* him during sex?

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Not sure if I can even ask this but I'll give it a go..

*INB4 Throwing a hotdog down a hallway insults*

Okay so embarrassing but I've recently started having sex with someone and I can't really feel much. I can definitely feel it inside me, it's not one of those "is it in yet?" scenarios, but other than that not much.
I know that it's only childbirth and other traumas that really change size, but could it just be naturally loose? :S

Just to clarify, he isn't the first person I've slept with. I've had 5 sexual partners. 2 of them were drunken one night stands and I really couldn't tell you much about them. One was a boyfriend who definitely had a quite smaller than average penis and openly said so, I didn't really think much of it and he never had any problem finishing. One was a fwb-type situation who definitely felt good but I'm not sure if he's wider than average.

Looking at the guy I'm sleeping with now I'm pretty sure he's just average. I'm not even sure how other girls accurately say tbh but it looks no smaller or bigger than I would expect. He has no problem cumming (he's even apologised on occasion for doing it too soon), has never mentioned it and usually goes in for round 2 not long after. Maybe that's what it usually feels like for him?

Is this likely to be my problem or his? I just really don't think he's small and end up lying there thinking "oh my god he must think I'm really loose, does this even feel nice to him?"


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