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Why can't we be your first priority?

My husband and I have been together for 4 years. We have a 2 year old together, he has a 6 year old from a previous marriage that I help raise, and we are expecting again!! I love my husband very much , but I often feel like I am living this marriage for the both of us,. He works 12-16 hours 5 days a week so I know he is indeed tired. I also work 5-6 days a week as a nurse on my feet all night (on midnights) pregnant and after taking care of the babies all day. The issue is my husband any free time he has he seems to spend with his friends or anyone but us! He is currently spending thousands of dollars on a racecar that we were saving for to buy our first home. He spends the time when he wakes up on the weekends till after me and the kids go to sleep on that car. If he isn't working on that he is out fishing,hunting, anything he can. He doesn't understand that on his day off and while I'm off I miss him and want to spend time as a family! He states "it's my only days off I deserve me time." He is completey oblivious to how it hurts me to always be last priority as well as my kids. If I comfront him with my feelings he gets angry and leaves for even longer. He gets angry when I am tired when he gets home from working and expecting. I'm tired of being his doormat to come in and out of. He used to be so strong in the church with us and now he hardly ever makes time. I can't even talk to my husband. I couldn't tell you the last time he kissed me or hugged me. I want to build our marriage up but I can't do it alone and he refuses to compromise ! Advice would be greatly appreciated !
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