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Dating Advice for Shorter Guys

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Ok so I am 5'8 and so can be considered "short". A more suitable definition of "short" is simply you being shorter than your girl of interest. However tall the girl is, add four inches to this height to cater for her high heels; and treat this as her actual height.

I have prepared some general pointers that should aid you. For some girls; height really is a deal-breaker. This could be insecurity on their part because they don't want to be tall, or it could be that short people really are scum. Choose whichever believe suits you the most.

A few pointers I've prepared:-

Eye Contact - you must make eye contact when speaking to her. Yes, you will be looking up and it may feel weird for about a second, but remain focused. You must hold eye contact for the longest, she must break it first. That is her submission and it will negate some of dominance she may feel over you thanks to her height.

Disqualifying - many taller girls will make a comment about your height. If she appears to bring up as a point of interest - just ignore it and talk about something else or pursue a previous topic of conversation. If she phrases it as though she is rejecting you, or is conveying her disdain and lack of attraction for shorter men, you need to do something similar.

Last time a couple of girls tried this on me I started talking about how I prefer girls with red hair as opposed to blonde and brunettes. The girls in question both sported the latter two hair colours. The key is to disqualify them based on something superficial. It's not a big deal, it just puts the ball back in their court and there's precious little they can do or say without either looking butt-hurt or trying to seek your approval. NOTE: Do NOT respond to this by stating that you prefer shorter girls.

Height Threads - granted, this is also a height thread; but I think you know the height threads I'm talking about. Most of the women who post in these threads are naturally going to be women who actually care about height. Basically: taller women. My advice would be to exercise some self-control and do not read such threads. You already know what most of the replies are going to be and you have no use for reading such things. Also know that IRL I have never known women to talk about height as much as they do on the internet; and I've never seen a woman IRL walking around with a tape measure.

Comment on Girls Wearing Heels - if you're talking to her in a bar/nightclub/party then the chances are she's wearing high heels. Make a comment about how girls always look awesome in heels. If there is any cognitive dissonance in her mind between the fact that she likes you and the fact that she wishes you were taller (or wishes she was smaller, which is the same, trust me) then this comment you've made may contribute to easing it somewhat.

The Preference for Taller Men - there are many theories as to why taller men are more attractive. However 'the' why doesn't really matter. If you think that taller men convey more natural dominance then this may give you a pre-disposition to always trying to prove your dominance in other ways. Since it stems from an insecurity; it won't work and it will make you a target for mockery. This is where the "little man syndrome" insult stems from. On the surface it may seem like yet more prejudice in regards to your height - but it's more than that.

Being Jealous of Taller Men - basically this is merely you wishing you were taller. Again, don't try and compare yourself to taller men by telling yourself that you have "more money/a better job/lower body fat % etc" because you are basically feeding into your own insecurity. You can't resent certain people just because they were born taller than you. And if you sit around spending your time wishing you were taller this is obviously damaging. Just like some women wish they had bigger boobs, bigger arse, longer legs or a prettier face - they are just wasting time and mental energy on such things.

Smaller Girls Who Prefer Taller Men - I've noticed some women in these height threads who are smaller then 5'5; but still claim to prefer men over 6'0 etc. This one is weird to me and I don't really have much advice for this. If you come across a girl like this IRL just use the tactic I told you to use on the taller girl. Imo, girls will only comment on your height if there are really probing you hard for insecurities. Just take it as an opportunity to convey your own confidence and comfort in your own skin.

Note: In regards to girls smaller than you; do not bestow upon them any preferential treatment just because you think they are more attainable, and that your only chance is dating a smaller girl. Feel free to tease her for being short and she may do the same back to you. However, the vibe would entirely be different and you could make a joke about the two of you living in a hobbit hole or something. Just have fun with it.

Statistics - do not look for solace in meaningless statistics. The fact that less than 25% of men are over 6'0 should not inspire a sigh of relief from you. **** it. Also ignore misinformation claiming that 10% of men are having 90% of the sex. It's not true. It doesn't make sense. It's impossible to quantify and it's most likely a carrot the PUA waves in front of the noses of gullible men to coax them into subscribing and purchasing their content. Really think about it: does it sound like anything other than a sales pitch?

Height Enhancing Footwear/Looking for Curbs to Stand on/Stilts/Growth Hormone - forget it. Always be aware that your insecurities will fuel some extremely bizarre thoughts. Lol.

I hope this helps you.


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