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Why isn't he replying to my texts?

Ok, so I met this guy at a halloween party and we've been dating ever since. We're not officially 'together' but we're getting there. We haven't had sex yet - I am a virgin (I'm 21), he is not (he's 19) and we've been taking it slowly.

He seems to really like me. When we're together we have a great time, he's told his friends about me and they tease him about me. I was talking to his house mates and the impression I got from them was that he talks about me quite a bit.

What I don't understand is that sometimes we text back and forth and have a decent convo but other times I feel like he ignores my texts. He occasionally texts me first but usually I'm the first one to send a message and he can sometimes take hours to reply. I understand people are busy but I'm pretty sure most of us have our phones with us most of the time. It gets to the stage where I want to send another one just to make sure he got it but I don't want to come across as desperate. I have terrible phone signal in my house and his phone has problems too but I don't believe that's the issue here.

He's gone back home for Christmas but he'll be back after New Years, and before he left he said he would see me when he gets back. He actually invited me to stay with him for New Years but it never panned out because it clashed with his mum's plans. So I've texted him a bit over the last two weeks or so and I keep getting paranoid that he's ignoring me. For example, sometimes I text him and he replies, I send another text and then nothing. This happened last week and I don't want to come across as needy or desperate so I just left it. I decided to see if he would text me back. I waited six days. Six days. And nothing. So on Christmas eve I texted him and it took him four and a half hours to reply. I replied within twenty minutes and then nothing.

He bought me champagne as an xmas gift and I opened it on xmas day. I posted a photo of it on fb and tagged him in it. He didn't comment or like it, but a few of his (female) friends were teasing him about it on his wall. I've never met these girls but evidently he's told them about me. I thought he might be embarrassed so I untagged him and texted him to apologise just in case. He replied within ten minutes saying not to worry about it because they were just having a laugh, so I replied five minutes later with 'ahaa ok. how are you? xxx' and I haven't' heard back from him all day.

It's really strange because in person we have such a nice time and he seems really interested. His friends all seem to think he likes me a lot. He wouldn't have invited me for new years if he didn't like me. He knows I'm a virgin and hasn't ever asked me for sex so I know he's not taking advantage. What's going on? If he likes me surely he'd feel like texting me now and again just to see how I am? Or at least reply to the texts I've sent him?

The last time I saw him he kissed me and said 'I'll see you in three weeks when I get back'. We're definitely planning to meet up after new years because I still have part of his xmas gift to give him. Part of me feels like he's the type of guy who doesn't think of texts as such a big deal. Maybe he just thinks 'oh I'm not going to see her for a bit, but I'll see her in three weeks' and doesn't feel the need to keep in touch. Like I said, sometimes he does text me, but it's not very often and it's usually me that sends the first text.

I really do feel like he does like me. Is he just rubbish at texting? Or am I right to feel a little put out?


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