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Advice with pakistani dilema

Okay so I'm just so annoyed. My mum is from a different generation all together. She hardly lets me out, even just to have lunch with my friends, and that's only like once a month, and even then I have to beg her. When I get home I get questioned like I've committed a crime. She looks at the pictures I've taken with my female friends, and then tells me off for posing a certain way (i.e. kissing a friend on the cheek) like wtf :/. She always makes me feel upset or wrong. I hate being a Pakistani girl. I'm not taking off my clothes or getting drunk, I just want the freedom to be able to go out with friends, is that really too much to ask from her. I literally have to live a lie with her, like whenever I'm out and she doesn't know, I'll lie that I'm still at uni or something, which isn't fair as I shouldn't even need to lie about something like that anyways. The majority of my friends are muslim and they aren't treated like that by their families, going out to see friends is normal for them! Why me? Its not fair.


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