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Is there even such a thing as a marriage without conflict?

I'm just curious. I believe that conflict is just what happens when people interact with each other - that it's inevitable. I believe people can handle conflicts well, or poorly, but that there's no such thing as a relationship (of any kind - familial, romantic, employment, or friendship) that doesn't encounter conflict. I think successful relationships have the skills to manage conflicts well (and I think that's what most therapists and self-help authors try to sell - their particular brand of conflict management) and that those of us who suck at marriage are particularly poor at doing so, but I just can't grasp the idea of a marriage without any conflict at all.

I'm wondering whether anybody believes differently, and can offer up anecdotes or evidence, or if there are any first person paragons of virtue to tell me about their marriage that exists to the contrary. I put this question in long term success, because it seems like this is the best forum to encounter people who might have this hypothetical conflict-free relationship.

Even though I suspect that people who claim to live without conflict are either in denial, or bottling their feelings, I'm open to being proved wrong.....

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