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Unsure what to do

I am new, but hoping for advise. I have been with my boyfriend a year now, I love him more than anything. But I have been having issues.

A little background of me. I have been in many bad relationships where there was abuse of every kind in my relationships. I was mis-treated by multiple guys. I have a hard time trusting anyone because of this. But on top of that, I have depression, anxiety, ptsd, BPD, and some other stuff. It has gotten to the point this week that I don't want to see him, or anyone really.

I don't know what it is, but I am so scared lately. I used to be able to trust him with myself entirely, but lately, that has gone kind of out the window. He has NEVER done anything to me to break my trust, so I am wondering what went wrong. He treats me like royalty and I love him so much, but I feel myself backing away. He knows I am having issues, but he doesn't know what it is really about. I want to spend my life with him, but I feel myself going back into my little shell that protects me. Any advise that you guys could offer? I need to know what to do. I love him with all of my heart, but I feel that my mind is letting go of everything that means anything to me... (if that makes sense)

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