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my life is a circle

After yet another argument I've decided to try and find help.

Let me start with a little back story on me to help you understand our circumstances.

We have been together for 13 years and married in December 2012. For most of those years we drove a semi together until our company went out of business the beginning of 2012. I found another driving job but due to health issues he has stayed unemployed. When I hurt myself at work towards the end of the year I was put on workers comp and I've been home since. We couldn't keep everything going so we were forced to move in with his parents, and his twin brothers family. 3 bedroom 1 bath house for 6 adults and 1 child. It's cramped to say the least.

Now for the actual issues.

With this many people under one house the chores have never been spread evenly. The child is sick with heart conditions and while everyone else is working it is up to me to tend to the cooking, cleaning and running around for the house hold. This didn't start bothering me until I started receiving calls in the middle of the day asking what's for dinner, and having unexpected guest invited at the last minute for meals that I paid for.

Today is like all other days. My father in law ( a truck driver ) comes home unexpectedly and wants a full cooked meal. My husband asks me what I planed and to be honest I didn't. I'm not in the mood to eat or cook but since it's now my life's mission.......He suggest a food and I start searching the kitchen for side dishes. This makes him mad. He said he wanted to discuss it but I just started looking. I asked how do I know what to talk about if I don't look? I explained that I didn't want to go to the store and he quickly shuts down and I'm now the jerk.

This happens far to often. Each argument ends up that I did or said something wrong and when we finally talk about it he says I am always playing the victim. EVERY TIME. Never in 13 years has he actually seen that he over reacted or understood how much is always on my plate. Even more so these days.

I admit I put to much on myself and don't ask for help but while he gets mad that people are inconsiderate to him and don't just offer help without him asking, he does the same to me and doesn't see it as an issue.

Over the last 2 months we have fought more than we ever have. If I could afford counselling I would but I'm also feeling like some time apart would do us good.

Just hoping there is someone out there who goes through this or has some advice. I live 2000 miles from my whole family. Running to my mom in time of need doesn't exist and I feel more alone every time this happens.

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