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Adult kids and your fridge

Do those of you with adult kids have this problem?

Our daughter lives with us and the 2 boys don't, but the boys do spend a night every week or two at our place. I don't have a problem with them helping themselves to food out of our fridge but hubby does. He is constantly squirreling food like leftovers, blocks of cheese etc away in our bedroom (we have a bar fridge in there) to hide it from them, and frankly that pisses me off. Last week I found a bag of pretzels on our closet shelf. He keeps cases of ichiban soup and canned chili and canned juice (work food) under our bed so the kids don't eat them.

I could understand if they were doing this constantly and eating us out of house and home, but really, why shouldn't they be able to help themselves?

This isn't new - it was even a problem when the kids were younger. Hubby has always had a problem sharing food. And he is always telling me that we should hide things from them. For example, tonight we're getting take out, and he has already emailed me that we need to stash the leftovers so no one eats them. We haven't even ordered the food yet!

If I buy something as an ingredient for a recipe and don't want it used up for some reason I either put it upstairs or mark it. They leave it alone then.

I dunno. Obviously this isn't a HUGE issue, but I am wondering how others may have dealt with it.

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