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Feel completely disengaged

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Feel like my conversations with some friends are so limited, even though we're so so close. Like we can talk all day in basic terms about Netflix, going clubbing and like normal regular stuff. The moment I get 'deep' (which is what I think we all call it) only like one person I know kinda replies as if they actually understood the message I'm conveying, and not just went along with it cause they didn't know..

It feels kinda **** because there's so much more to life than just cruising by on the surface, only really decoding trivial things. I really want to be able to question our surroundings, and provide an opinion that deviates from the norm, and not feel like I'm misunderstood. It's like some people follow the path set out before them, and never really think to question anything. But I just find that boring. I build up this repertoire of esoteric knowledge, and that's just it, no-one else particularly cares about the **** I find myself interested in. I just think it's such a shame, I don't want to bombard people with **** but like it's so rare to find someone that reciprocates a deep interest in something. Maybe that's where university will bring people into my life who are so interested in a topic that they dedicate their chosen degree subject to it.

Do you ever find some days, that you just just end up having like a really weird deep session with yourself, and I'm ju st the weird one for sharing it with other people?


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