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Feeling sympathetic for the wrong people

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I'm to be honest pretty much gullible in the 'sympathetic-for-people' department. I saw this programme about a bloke who's poor and hungry and I told myself that if I saw him in real life, I'd probably give him some food or cash; I was even thinking of giving him 50 quid by splitting it weekly so that he can buy food weekly for a month. Funny thing is I don't even know the bloke and here I'm trying to hypothetically plan-out how to help him and feeling immensely sorry for him.

The trouble is, I've heard numerous claims that some of these people aren't actually poor and they'd take advantage of you and your good deeds. Going back to the bloke, the programme then showed that he does live with his family and has a flat-screen telly (I don't even have that), dogs (I don't have that either), a game console and some other things that I find peculiar for a poor person to have.

I know that's a massive generalisation, but unfortunately for me, I've met a few horrible people that would clearly take advantage of me when I'm doing something good for them. The simplest example is at work; if I'm being polite, nice or helpful, some of these nasty people would probably use me as their scapegoat (if they did anything wrong) and I'm ended up being blamed for loads of things. Although I can stand on my own feet, I wouldn't be too harsh on anyone still when it comes to work (probably because I don't want to get them into trouble or feeling a genuine sympathy for them (who knows; maybe they have some troubles back home) but evidently, these would hurt me in the long run wouldn't it?

I'm not too sure what I'm after; probably some good advice or a practical perspective or probably a slap to reality.

Appreciate anyone who's reading this.


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