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Breast feeding.

I figured we could have a bit of a discussion on this ladies. Men too if you feel like posting your thoughts and opinions.

Now... I hear and see all these cases of women breast feeding their children up to five and over. I'm sitting here wondering how the hell that is possible. I get that children will stop on their own so to speak. I'm just baffled because each of my kids stopped at just under a year with their first tooth. They went a few days or weeks without breast milk and i tried again to make sure they were done nursing. I knew they were done because they wouldn't latch on, would turn their head and just give a puzzle look or smile.

Seriously... their lips were shut tight! My son stopped at six months and both daughters at seven months. I guess it just puzzles me as to why a five or even eight year old would still want breast milk after tasting things like hmm.. chips, juice, candy?

I can honestly say... when my kids got a taste of baby food... oh it was on! they wanted nothing but food and were eager to try things like juice and regular cow milk and even tea! Anyway it's just something I puzzled over for awhile. I wouldn't mind others sharing when their kids stopped and their opinions on this.

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