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Invited a stunning girl for a drink... any tips for a reserved noob?


So when I was last flying out to Germany I got talking to this Russian girl next to me and we got along well enough that she suggested we travel into Berlin from the airport. Luckily she happened to be living in London. I'm pretty poor at reading body language and whatnot but she gave me a lot of smiles and some contact. Unfortunately my phone was broken and I couldn't take her number/give her mine so I just gave her my name... She seemed very friendly and I made her laugh a fair amount but I had no idea about whether I was actually attractive to her and I wasn't convinced that she'd go to the effort of finding me on Facebook or whatever.

Anyway, she added me a few days after I got back in-country (and finding someone on Facebook just using their fairly common name is pretty impressive) and, before I knew it, I'd finally grown a pair (easier when you're just texting) and got her number and nailed her down for a drink in London on the grounds of saying 'thanks' for guiding me into Berlin (I was pretty hopelessly lost).

Now's where I suck ass, only 'dates' (if this possibly platonic drink even counts) I've been on have been with girls I already knew very well... Anyone got any tips about what to expect/ideas for what I should do? My housemate says I should suggest to her a few days before that I will be in London in the afternoon as well and would love to meet up before having a drink (a nice guise to take her to the Tate or something).

I think my ideal outcome would be to get to know her and, if I like what I find, see what chemistry's there and maybe secure a second outing... I've no idea what she's after, she mentioned not knowing any English men so she may well just be lonely. Either way I'm just going to try keep an open-mind.

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