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Ladies -does how you view yourself physically affect your sex life?

I just came across this article, not entirely sure how accurate. The jist of the article:


A recent study done to align with the DVD release of Bad Neighbors about women's preferences in men had some pretty interesting results: 3 in 4 British women would choose a man with love handles over a man with a 6-pack, and 96% predict an unpleasant date with an abs-obsessed man.
This study isn't talking about what women find aesthetically pleasing though – it's asking who you would rather have sex with. A fantasy is not reality, and as much as I have a (healthy) obsession with Ryan Gosling and his photoshop worthy abs, my typical dateable guy could probably be described a "hipster hobbit".

Sex therapist Tracey Cox (excellent last name for her profession – just saying) delves deeper into why exactly that is, and her reasoning is all too believable and pretty sad. Truthfully, women don't want a man with a perfect body, because they feel that theirs is far too imperfect. Here's another finding from the study: 74% said they'd feel self-conscious about taking off their clothes in front of a perfectly toned guy. Here's another statistic from author of "Not Tonight Dear, I Feel Fat" Michael Alvear: 50% of women have put off sex because they felt too fat.

Here's a challenge I put out to the women (myself included): start loving our wobbly bits, stop comparing ourselves to others, and start believing that we're worthy of absolutely anyone that we want – whether it's the abstastic Zac Efron or goofy beer-bellied Seth Rogan.
Now obviously the study does lose some credibility since it focused on British Women :p. Curious though, have you ladies rejected your SO or avoided sex b/c you felt insecure about your own looks?


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