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Should I move countries to avoid breaking up?

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OK you may firstly think this is a troll and won't read the post but I'm 100% serious.
Also, sorry for grammar mistakes guys.

I am a huge coward, yes. I was born and have family living in Germany, but right now am a student in the UK. So I study politics and there was this guy on my course, who seemed really anti social and even weird. Everyone else let him know that (indirectly) they think he's pretty weird, and as time got on they were nastier towards him. I guess some people from sixth form don't magically get mature.
So anyway, one day he was wearing a long sleeve shirt and his cuts were showing. Instead of showing some sympathy, people even made fun of him. I had enough since I had similar problems once back in Germany in school, so I went and sat next to him, asked if he wants to work with me and we just rolled from there. We became buddies.

ANYWAY after a few months he told me about his awful depression, how he was in hospital many times due to the cutting and how I helped him by talking to him. And after a while we became dating, it was fine.

But I just don't feel it. I thought I'd give it a go, but it just can't work out. I know this sounds horrible but he's just a wreck and drags me down. This is so selfish I know but how can you help someone that makes no effort to be helped. And I can't break up with him, I'm worried that he will go insane as he is still mind you emotionally very weak. The things he says that if he ever lost me he'd do this bla bla blaa.

I know it's not my responsibility, but I just can't leave him in the deep. I know that if I just break up with him he will go in a downwards spiral. However if I have a good reason then I can pretend there's nothing I can do about it so he will be more understanding. I thought about moving back to Germany for a gap year kind of thing, I could get a job and some volunteering to gain experience (I want to be a teacher), so maybe it will be good for me too. I know this is crazy, but what can I do? WWYD?

Please anonymous!


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