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Considered attractive yet hopelessly single??

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I'm unsure as to how to post this without sounding like a massive troll but basically since coming to uni, I've been made very aware of the fact that society seems to consider me very attractive; I'm usually referred to as 'the hot one' whichever circle of friends I am with and strangers often approach me to tell me I'm beautiful. I used to really struggle with self esteem and body confidence, and though I honestly still don't really get why I am rated so highly, I've come to accept that people see me that way as I'm told so often!
However, I have never had a serious relationship. (I'm 20 and female btw) I am not particularly loud but I am definitely not shy anymore, I can be very chatty. However, it seems all the attention I get is from guys who literally just want sex and that is all. It's made me wonder if I need to work on my personality or something as no one is interested in anything but sex, and, as a virgin, I don't feel comfortable having one night stands or fwb situations.
I'm a very active and sociable person, and I meet a lot of guys at uni/work/societies etc, yet every guy I meet seems to be only interested in me sexually, and not at all bothered about my personality. Am I doing something wrong? Or do all the genuine guys hide out somewhere I'm not going?!
I'm aware that this sounds like a massive troll post, probably and I've almost deleted it several times! But I don't know... I can deal with being single, as I have done almost all my life but I would really like to experience being in a relationship, I just don't know where to begin!


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