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What do i do?

My wife and I have been together since we were young she was 15 I was 17 when we met, Love at first sight. So we've been through everything together. We have been together for 16 years and married 8 years with 2 children.
8 weeks ago we separated due to her not in love with me any more she told me her feeling have changed. Over the last 6 months or so we have been stuck in a rut, I had a new job so did she we had child number 2 and I think that this got on top of us and we couldn't deal with it together, I turned to drinking every night, which obviously didn't help. And we ended up just being like friends. Anyway the wife broke it off because of the way she felt.

The first 3 weeks was hard e had little contact. I took her out for her birthday and we ended up sleeping together, the next day she said that we are not together it was just sex. Then a few days after that she said that we should not be spending time together as we have split up and it's not right.
Weeks 4-5 we hardly saw each other only saw each other because of the kids, who I see often, she said she will always allow me to see the kids.
Week 5-6 after talking to my wife about our relationship etc, she told me that she slept with a guy from work, who she has constantly been seeing since we separated, (she told me that he is a friend) He stays over they go out and they have sex. WTF!! I was so shocked to know that she had sex with him, so not like my wife at all, she's acting out of character. She hasn't bothered with her friends that we both know, and the guy is completely opposite to me.
Week 7 I had to talk to her about this guy as I couldn't understand how she has moved on so quickly, she said that it just happened. She said that she does not want a relationship with him she just wants to have fun and be single. I asked her does she miss me and she said no and she started to cry, she said that she thought she would miss me and we would be back together. Why would she cry if she didn't have feelings for me?
Week 8 I went to the house to get a few things, she wasn't there. So I let myself in,(its our marital home) and found her mobile phone left on the table, yes,.... yes I did!!! I read her text messages to this new guy.
She said that she only wants him, no one else, that she wants to have her future with him, talking about babies!!! She said that she is falling for him, basically loves him. And he's been saying all the right things as you'd expect.
How can my wife of 8 years move on so quickly with another guy?, I haven't even thought about that yet. I'm trying to heal myself and trying to move on. She has been with this guy since we separated, and she said that he is a friend and over time she has had feelings for him... seriously it's only been 8 weeks.

So just need some advice what to do? I do love her and can't understand why she is acting this way. I would try to get her back, but I'm not sure how? or even if it's possible.
Any advice please.


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