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Feeling like I am playing second fiddle to his family

I apologize if it's gonna be a bit long.

At Christmas he gave his mum and brother (who'll be 18 in October) money as well as to his nephew. Ok, nothing wrong there of course. He told me to get myself something, but then money was a bit tight so he told me to wait till the following month, but never ended up getting me anything. I always feel uncomfortable with using his money on me, so I wouldn't have bought myself anything anyway. He gave me a card that I had bought myself.
Previous Christmas I had only asked for a card, not even a present and he couldn't be bothered to send me one. I was away to help with family problems that Christmas and I sent him a card, and he made sure of telling me it looked cheap. I thought he was a real j*rk and I was really f*cked off and I was going through a cr@ppy period as well. Brother and mum got money of course for Christmas and for their birthdays.

He was given some vouchers ($100) as a reward for not going sick during the year. He gave them to his mum. This was in January.

The other day he must have spoken to his mum and she told him his brother wants to go on a carpentry course at college, but if he can't find a college close to where they live that offers it, he might do another course. Partner said he should do what he wants to do and said he can come and live here for a year to do the course round here. We live in a 1 bed place and don't have room, so he'd have to sleep on the sofa. He didn't ask me if this arrangement was ok for me (it might not be necessary for him to move here, but I checked and there don't seem to be courses available in brother's area). He merely informed me and I know that if I had said anything, he'd have gotten angry. He said brother would go back to his mum's whenever he's off college (and who's gonna pay for the expensive train fares? Partner of course) and he would be going out and so he wouldn't be at home a lot. Brother is quite lazy, I know that, as when he's been here visiting , he just played PS3 all day, wi thout ever offering to help. So, I am expected to cook for and clean after brother too? Partner said if it becomes too much for me, I can go back to my parents' for a little while.

He told his mum he'll give his brother money for an iPhone his brother is getting off a friend next month and next month there's my birthday too and I bet I'll get the "money is tight, can you wait till next month?".

Am I unreasonable in feeling like his family comes before me?


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