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I'm going crazy over girls who are friends with my boyfriend?!

Well my boyfriend and I have been together near a year and a half. We love each other very much and do trust each other completely. However,I still have a lot of problems with other girls even though I trust him, I just don't trust them and can see straight away what their up too.
Firstly, there's this girl in our friendship group. She used to have a thing for him,but we started dating and I thought it went away. However, after a few months I started to notice she still had feelings for him. She would talk constantly about him, try texting and mailing him etc. My boyfriend isn't fond of her, he can see she is fake and bitchy,and I've alerted him to the fact she has feelings for him. However, he is extremely friendly with everyone,just like me. Months ago I had a huge fight with him because of her and he promised he wouldn't bother with her, would only reply to her if she tried talking to him but would be dry with her. So that problem was resolved, but last week there him and her and all our friends went out to a club..I didn't go because I had other plans. Anyway, the next day he told me they both ended up getting a taxi together alone because the rest of our friends jumped in the first taxi. I was so angry at him because he knew how I felt about her a nd I fought with him over it. I know it was stupid, but it bothered me that it would make her happy,while he also knew how I felt about her so I felt he should've stopped it from happening. Is this crazy?
Furthermore, my boyfriend has a girl friend he's known since they were kids. She had a crazy boyfriend who got sent to a mental home and she ended up pregnant at 16. They don't talk much but I've caught him texting her a few times over the past year, just casual stuff. But recently I caught him texting her saying he's come see her one day and her baby. I haven't mentioned it to him, but should I be bothered? A part of me is..I dunno I just don't like the idea of him being close to another girl..and I'm afraid that he'll connect to her because they've both had pretty hard lives. Also,after the last time they talked and caught up through mail he wrote a status about how there's nothing better than talking to an old friend. Another part of me, actually from writing this knows how stupid I'm being. It's not like he's close with her, she's an old friend who he talks to occasionally, she also has her baby and a new boyfriend.
Recently, with this stuff coming up I've felt myself go crazy with paranoia. I can trust him with my life..but I just feel like any girl around him is trying to steal him and I know this isn't right. How can I help it? Or is this something I should be worried about, with the first girl and his old friend? I just feel so annoyed but then I know it's harmless. Urghhhh I hate this


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