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I feel broken after relationship split- need advice on moving on


As the title suggests, I've been having a hard time getting over the split with my ex-girlfriend, and the pain has become much worse since.

A little context: I met my girlfriend in University three years ago, and our relationship was quite intense. Much of it was because it was my first relationship, but also we got on really well- both of us were natural introverts, film geeks and generally enjoyed each other's company a lot. It was a good 2 1/2 years together, and I've got a lot of fond memories, which unfortunately I play over and over again in my head even if I don't want to.

I thought things were going really well, but last summer, just after we graduated, she broke up with me. Her reasoning included that she had grown less attracted to me as a person, that she didn't think she loved me anymore and that it was best 'we didn't speak for a while'. It's currently been six months in which she hasn't contacted me- and I found a few days ago she had deleted all the photos of us on her facebook account, including ones only I could see.

I know she's trying to move on- the problem is that I can't. I'm still in love with her, and I still can't really see myself with anyone else. I've tried to distract myself with work (I'm currently working as a photo journalist) but in the past few months I've been really demotivated, especially as I've been rejected for most of the jobs I've applied for, and freelance work is becoming more and more scarce.

More importantly, I'm emotionally demotivated. I feel like I'm close to mentally breaking down, because even when I go for runs, I still think about her constantly. It kills me to see her moving on with new friends (and a potential new boyfriend apparently), while the friends I do have understandably don't really know what to do. Most are also in relationships, so it's quite uncomfortable to go out for drinks with them (which I tend to avoid now).

Basically, I'm not sure what I need to do to 'move on'. I've tried all the standard stuff of excersising, watching films and diving myself into work, but my mentality is still the same- and I'm hurting just as much as I was when we broke up, if not more.



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