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Deleted Text message??

Unfortunately, the problem in my relationship just seem to get bigger every day. Recently, I learned he has been texting a mutual friend/business associate WAYYYYY to much. I confronted him, and told him I wasnt comfortable with it, he said he would only talk to her on a business level, no more hanging out as friends ect.

Although text have reduced tremendously, they are still coming in, but now specifically not when I am around (only during the day while he is working) (suspicious!!!!!!), so I asked him if I could read the conversations (he says, nothing out of line is being talking about) he said sure, i ask for his phone, he says there is none there right now, he deleted them. Obviously, i have upset, he admits they have been talking about our relationship issues as well as other things, and he just didnt want to hurt my feelings. That didnt work!!!

Now, i am starting to think there is more going on then i wanted to believe at first. Is there a way for me to retrieve those deleted texts? I thought i had say a comp program before that would allow you to pull up the actual text of the text messages, as the phone company just gives the number and time. Anyone used a product to get text messages? If so please point me in the direction, i am letting it eat me up now, wondering if i am being stupid by not thinking that it is more then I do.

Please help!


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