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Your Scariest Movie Moments

Here's my picks for my favorite scary horror movie scenes:

1). The chestburster scene from Alien.

2). The Thing, when the guy's head sprouts spider legs and scurries away down the hallway.

3). Exorcist, where Linda Blair's eyes roll back in her head and she floats above the bed. My ex used to do that.

4). Sleepaway Camp, the last scene where Angela, who we thought was a teenage girl, is revealed to actually be a transvestite boy who has been committing all the murders. That traumatized me for weeks.

5). Friday the 13th, where the last surviving girl is floating peacefully in the boat, and then suddenly Jason jumps up out of the water and grabs her and drags her under.

6). The Ring, where the creepy black haired girl climbs up out of the well in the video, then crawls through the television into the real world and kills the guy.

7). The Shining, where the little boy is trucking through the big hotel on his Big Wheel, then turns a corner and sees the twin girls holding hands, then sees them lying dead in pools of blood, having been chopped up by their dad.

8). Jaws, where Roy Schieder is chumming bait fish into the water and the shark lunges up from the deep and almost swallows him. "You're going to need a bigger boat..." :lol:

9). The Grudge: That little fvcking white skinned kid who screams like a cat. Damn that creeps me out! :mad: Dont know why.

10). Carrie, where her friend comes to visit her grave and then Carrie's hand comes up from under the dirt and grabs the girl's ankle.

Tell us your faves.


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