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My update on the other side

Wow, I just read through what I went through the months leading up to my divorce, what a roller coaster of crazy ☺ a lot has changed, but a lot is the same and not what/where I thought I would be, my divorce was final the end of August 2013. Kids and I moved to a new town and things were ok, I ended up failing a class in school, so I worked and made money and got my head straight. This was much needed for me, I had no idea what a mess I was. I dated a little bit, but things got really bad for my daughter and her mental health so I took a break from everything except kids and work.

My ex ended up quitting his job in June, so it's been all me supporting the kids and it's been extremely difficult to keep up (I work as a server, since I'm in school) He is a complete piece of crap lol, he had virtually no contact with my D(16) while she was in treatment and completely stopped seeing/contacting the kids in June. He blamed me for failing a class as to the reason why he had to quit his job and then blamed me for not bringing the kids to him anymore as to why he doesn't see them.

Things are a little more settled, I'm back in school, broke, but definitely see an end to it.

I wish there was a good answer to get deadbeats to help support their kids but there just isn't anything at all that works, if they choose not to pay. In the mean time, I work as much as I possibly can without sacrificing the time I need to study and be a mom, it's a super fun balancing act ☺


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