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He said he wants to take it slow but he's not?

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Anon because I like keeping certain things about my private life unassociated with my username.

Anyway, so the full detailed story so far is I got with this guy at a club and slept with him. Initially assumed it would be a ONS yet we ended up getting on so well.

At the party a couple days later (first time we saw each other after the first night together), he told me he really liked me but wanted to take things slow. I was taken aback, seeing as even though he was asking to take it slow, this was the first time we'd seen each other since drunken sex. It was like it was suddenly a thing.

Then we had a good date a few days after that, I was on my time of month so he stayed round but no sex. So all is going swimmingly, until for reasons I'd rather not explain even if it is anon, I find out I can't have sex or do anything sexual at all for about 3 weeks. When I told him, he just said it was fine.

I saw him again on Halloween night last night. We flirted around, then I went out while he went to a different club night to me. When I left, I was like "see you later" and he kept asking (half joking) when later was i.e. when was he going to see me again. Later in the night, about 4am he texts me asking to come round and see me. So he literally came round, we chatted while eating drunk food then passed out in my bed because we were both so drunk. Then we spent half the day in bed talking this morning.

He's literally just asked me to go round again to watch a film with him and stay over even though he only left mine a few hours ago.

And sorry, is it just me or is that not taking it slow?

And I'm confused why. The only thing I can think of is that he did want to take it slow, but now he's discovered he wants to be around me so much it's proving rather difficult to do so. Does that sound about right? It's suddenly gone from a supposed ONS to staying at each others houses acting like a couple in quite literally 10 days. For the reason that we can't have sex for now, it means neither of us can have sex at all with anyone else.

I really like him, but the pace is getting a bit scary. Or does it sound like he could still want to take it slow but he just likes spending time with me? He sleeps holding/hugging/spooning me (his choice… nothing forced by me!), almost like he doesn't want to let me go or he likes me being in the bed with him or something.

When he left this morning, my friend smirked at me and said "we're betting on 2 weeks and you'll be official". So it's clearly obvious to all our friends too.

I guess my question is can anyone help me decipher what he's thinking. I don't know.

PS he hints that he talks to his housemates about me all the time - don't think he realises it.


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