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Does this girl like me? What should I do?

In advance I'm sorry for the long question, but all of it is relevant so please read. There are 2 parts to this question, you can answer both or just one.

Ok so I'm 14 and there's this girl at my school who I think is showing signs of liking me. Let me just state first of all that I don't plan on dating/going out with her but it's not her, it's me (cliche I know). I like her kinda cos she keeps popping up in my mind and I even had a nice (not perverted) dream about her. She goes on the same bus (to and from school) as me. Anyway, sometimes when I walk past her in the halls she gives me a friendly hit and sometimes (if she has time lol) chases me just to hit me. Last year there was a period where every time she went past me she said hi, even if she had to go out of her way to do it. At this point I didn't go on her bus and I barely knew her but her mum previously worked with my dad so we were acquainted. On Wednesday she came into the room I hang out in every lunch time and none of her friends were in there and she always says she doesn't like the people who hang out in the same room. When I came in at lunc htime today she immediately said hi and focused on me. I left shortly afterwards because my friends wanted to go to the canteen again and she said bye to me and blew me a kiss. She's never done this before and she doesn't act like this on our bus. When I got back in the room, she had left. When she came back in, she wasn't with any of her friends and she came straight over to me to ask me for food (she does this a lot). I told her I didnt have any and she emptied my bag to look for it, I didn't really care. After she'd searched I was gonna put the stuff away then she offered to do it for me, I accepted. She did it, stole my homework diary and pencil case. I had to wrestle her to get them back and she seemed to enjoy it.

Also a couple extra details: she always talks about this guy at her church who she says she's going to marry because he's perfect or whatever, we're both in the same year and we aren't very good friends or anything. I haven't dated anyone properly ever and I haven't liked anyone for about 2 years.

Does she like me? I'm not sure? Or am I just over-analysing this.

Here's the second part. If you reckon she likes me, what should I do? I kinda like her but I really can't do the whole relationship thing right now so how do I let her know that.

If you read this all, thank you.


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