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Teachers think that I'm "unenthusiastic" and "too quiet"?

Growing up I was very quiet in school and my teachers often felt uncomfortable around me. I could sense it, and it was finally confirmed when my sixth form tutor asked me why I was always so grumpy. I'm not, I'm just not a very energetic person at 8:30am (I also have a classic bitch face). Other people in my group were loud and would sing and dance etc to entertain one another EVERY SINGLE MORNING. That's just not in my character. It was draining.

Don't get me wrong, I'm always told by friends how funny I am but authoritative figures seem to find me to be sarcastic and unenthusiastic. My English Lit teacher at A-level would always get angry at me because I didn't talk much and when asked I told him I disliked group tasks. I was one of the best in the class and got A*s/As in all practice essays/actual exams etc and an overall A* grade. I had friends in these lessons and would talk to them but not the rest of the class (all that often). I'd laugh at a joke someone in the class made, make some suggestions etc but not be the centre of attention.

My teacher kept me back and asked if I had problems socialising! I immediately got into defense mode as I felt somehow personally attacked and I asked him if he really thought my silence in a few English lit lessons could possibly be used to determine by ability to socialise? He got annoyed at me, calling me too sarcastic and "rude". I felt a bit bad but slightly glad I'd set him straight at last (he used to make comments about my lack of enthusiasm in lessons). He was constantly sarcastic toward me... I feel that just because I'm not over enthusiastic or constantly filled with fake excitement I was somehow irritating to him. It infuriates me because there is nothing I can do about it. I'm a hard working student, I do well but I just don't find a need to put on a fake demeanor. Anybody else had a similar experience in school/sixth form?


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