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Don't fit in/not very sociable and it saddens me.

I'm 17 and never really felt like I fit in. It's weird because I'm shy and bubbly at the same time. I think I was really bubbly before but then I got bullied and as I was very sensitive it kind of made me become an introvert and very wary of people. I also remember going to 2 parties in year 8 and 9 and being left out and excluded. After the bullying worsened I moved to another school which was much smaller. When I first joined I guess the 'popular girls' wanted me to be in their group. So at first I was invited to lots of parties and that but then one guy in my year was friends with the bullies in my previous school so decided to try and ruin my life in this new school. I also did find the 'popular' group a little b*tchy and I hate b*tching so wasn't that comfortable.

I would say that on a whole though even though I wasn't in the 'popular' group anymore I was still generally liked by most people because they thought I was funny and I was quite bubbly & liked to laugh.

I fell into depression last year however and it got so bad I had to leave sixth form in December. My parents wanted a fresh start for me so I started at a new sixth form this September.

There are a lot more people and I found it very very difficult to get comfortable at first. People couldn't get a word out of me because I barely talked and isolated myself in the library. However I've come out of my shell a bit more and still laugh a lot & make others laugh & a little more bubbly.

Yet, I have no social networks (I didn't like them because I experienced bad bullying on them) but I was surfing them the other day and felt really down. All my classmates had multiple pictures of them at loads of parties or just out everywhere. I go to friends houses sometimes or town once in a while but I haven't gone to a party in years. I'm mainly comfortable at home. I feel like I've wasted my teenage years. Why can't I be normal like other teens? Going out to parties or going out a lot/very sociable living their life to the full? I also hate texting, so have very few contacts on my phone, yet many of my classmates text multitudes of people.

Does anyone else feel like this? I was supposed to be going to uni next year but going the year after now so I'll be 19 and that's practically my teen years over :/


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