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GF ruined my chances with another girl

Okay I will make it as short as possible.

I have been going out with this girl for one year. On and off. We broke up a lot. Mostly because of an incident that happened in the beginning involving her ex. It's something that I was never able to forgive nor forget. Recently I asked her about it again and I found out new details that made me even more upset. It's already been one year and I realized that I just can't forgive it so there's no point in staying together. So I told her I wanted a break to resolve these feelings.

(Other than that, she has been a great GF and we were happy together. She put a lot of effort into fixing our relationship and she did everything to make me feel loved. There was nothing else she could have done better. I just couldn't let go of the bad feeling that I got every time I think of what she did.)

At the same time I started talking to another girl that I always had a little crush on. I told her happy birthday one day and out of nowhere I decided to tell her I liked her and I think that went okay, because she showed interest in me. My GF always thought I liked her (I never denied it) so she realized what was happening. So my GF told her that I was her BF and to stop talking to me (I don't really know what she said exactly). So now the new girl doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

I told my GF (now ex) that I wasn't happy about what she did, and I decided that the break was going to be a break up once and for all. Now that I realized that the other girl liked me, it makes me see that there are better things out there and that I didn't have to feel stuck with my ex and forcing myself to forgive something. So I feel like I wasted a lot of time with my ex when I could have been with someone I really liked.

So I am writing here to get some advice on how to fix my friendship with the new girl and maybe have a chance with her again. (She is NOT a rebound girl. I always felt like we had a lot more in common. She is also my nationality (I never had a GF of my nationality) and it was just very nice being around her.)


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