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Worth it all.....

I was in Austin recently to fight for womens rights to protect safe and legal abortions for women in Texas who need them. I was there with a sign and a T-shirt and nothing more. I can not even begin to put in to words how many people I had shove their fists in my face, say they would kill me, tell me I am a wh@re, tell me I am going to hell.......all men. One man got in my face and told me I was an insult to God, a disgrace to women and if I am lucky perhaps, just perhaps, some man will want me. I got punched in the nose by him (yep, blood shot out). I couldn't see for a long while and all I could feel was what I imagine snorting 7-Up feels like. My God did it hurt. Nothing broken and that sh!t stain got arrested, all while he was screaming every cuss word you could think of towards me, all 5 foot nothing, bald and 3 tons.

So later on I met a woman who was a total anti choice lady. She was so solid in her belief and kept spouting out "facts". I asked her if she had ever had an abortion? No! Had she ever gotten pregnant when she didn't want to? No! Had she grown up in a rich family like me? Say what? That blew her mind as she always viewed this a poor or skanky womans issue.

We actually sat down for hours talking, ate several slices of pizza (she did as I was trying to dry my nose) and I have to say she was the most wonderful woman I have ever randomly met. My goodness was she cool. She asked me point blank about my situation and I told her. I got pregnant at 20, went to a clinic to have an abortion, paid the money and after waiting 2 hours with my then boyfriend (now husband) I left. I decided to continue with the pregnancy regardless if he was in my life or not. I have never regretted that decision but it was made much easier because I had a trust fund from my Grandfather. I could make it on my own without my bf (husband) and I planned to do so. She asked me what I was feeling in the clinic. I cried and told her that I felt sad, scared, sick, I threw up several times, I had liquid poop, I cried more and I was angry. Most of the girls (and I mean girls) they were under 16 and no boyfriend in sight. I was the old lady at 20 and lucky with a boyfr iend holding my hand. Do you think any of these "fathers" would have been there for these women? She didn't answer.

Hours later and my eldest son arrived with his girlfriend. They drove up from Houston to Austin because they know how important this issue is to me and to all women in Texas. My son, Brennan, is the son I CHOSE to continue through pregnancy. He knows exactly what I went through and how much a womans right to chose means. So often people think pro-choice means "pro-abortion" and that is the furthest from the truth. I've never met a woman in my life who is "pro-abortion".

So this woman and I continued to talk and she asked about my second child. His name is Garret, he was standing next to me and he was a twin. I was 5 1/2 months pregnant with twins when I knew something was horribly wrong. My OB/Gyn found that I could not survive this pregnancy, my heart rate was down, my entire body was shutting off. In the middle of the night I delivered a dead baby and my OB/Gyn said if I didn't do it "naturally" he would have aborted the fetus.

My second son, Garret was in Austin with me (almost 16 so not a young child) to fight for womens rights. If 20 week abortions continue to be outlawed in Texas, I would have died, as would Garret. This notion that women get their hair and nails done and then get an abortion at 20 weeks is garbage. These women WANT to be pregnant but it is medically harmful for them to do so.

The fact that Rick Perry and his equally repulsive buddy David Dehurst thinks this is about women who shirk responsibility, think abortions are birth control or that it is only lower income women who deal with this is revolting. Sadly, I know for a damn fact that if abortion was practically outlawed in the state of Texas only poor women will suffer the most or the girls from the most religious families.

If anybody in Texas thinks this is a good thing and that Rick Perry is all about women, think again. Every single study ever published on this issue showed that when women have no options, they found their own. I could cite 20 studies if you need it. The New England Journal of Medicine back in 2006 published an article about the safety of legal abortions in many states vs. the ones who made it near impossible. Women died by the thousands.

So my new friend and I talked for many more hours and she never imagined that a "rich kid" like her could have been in this situation. She asked me how I could have been so reckless. Fair question. I was religious about taking the pill (every morning at 6) but I also took Tetracycline. It was 1992 and no information was out about the counter actions.

Next day my 6'3" Mensa member hot as the sun husband showed up. I wish Tyrion Lannister would have been there. Sadly, he was still in jail. Couldn't put up the bail money. I couldn't laugh any more. Hey Jim Thornton from Vider, Texas, go F yourself.

So my friend and I parted ways and she is now fully on board with blocking this bill, which already passed but she will fight to repeal it. She told me point blank that she never saw it as somebody like me. I guess that's a victory and she has and I mean serious political connections so I think I did a good thing.

She emailed me yesterday to say that 4 Senators are going on (prime time) media to talk about fighting this bill as a flagrant violation of human rights. :):):):):):):):):)

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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