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I need to hear more WS and their lousy AP struck with Karma stories...

I know that not all of you don't believe in karma. However, I am a firm believer in "the universe takes care of itself". So to get me in a jolly mood I need to hear some comeuppance stories. I know of 2 and I will gladly share them. The first one is about my STBXH aunt, (guess it runs in the family)...any hoo she was with an awesome guy. Not only awesome but hardworking and all and all a great guy! Anyway she was a kept woman, didnt have to work, drove a Mercedes, had a loving awesome man and just had it made. So she was overweight & lost 150lbs. He paid for her to get some reconstructive surgery to the sagging skin. Well she believed she was too good for him and had an affair. Well to make a long story short, she left her husband, he divorced her & she moved in with the worthless OM. Well 3 months later Prince Charming decided it wasn't working, kicked her ass out and hubby wouldn't take her back. She hadn't worked in 20 plus years, no money etc. ..was forced to move back with her mother and is now cleaning motel rooms (filled with hookers and crack heads). I love the woman but she f-ed up.

The second story has to do with my co-workers ex husband. He had multiple affairs on her, knocked up 2 separate women within 2 weeks of each other. Well one of the women called my friend and told her about her pregnancy. So my friend leaves him and he moves a stripper into the house a month later, and come to find of the multi affairs he has was with his bosses wife. So he loses his job, gets beaten up by his boss, the stripper girl dogs ruined his house and furniture, he gets 2 Dui's & then finds a woman he really cares for, moves her in and then she cheats on him! Wow!!!! Sucks for his loser ass huh?

Anyway I hope I have brightened some days for people who need to hear some karmic debt of cheater stories to help them through the darkness they are in...

We may not be lucky enough to witness it, but we rest assured that it does happen. Especially to the WS that are super selfish, unappreciative, liars and evil manipulators.
Please feel free to tell more stories!
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