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Canadians! SUN TV (aka Faux News North) wants your money! Stop their HYPOCRISY!

Hello Canadians!

Did you hear the news? Sun News Network wants the status of "mandatory carriage" in basic cable, which means that cable companies would have to carry them as part of the basic package - a roster of diverse channels Canadian society has deemed everyone should be able see. It also means that they would be benefiting directly in terms of monetary gain to the tune of $18million a year.

Now, I'm fairly left of centre, so I actually do believe in having a public broadcaster in the CBC, I believe in arts grants and artist funding, just as I do in healthcare and a heavily subsidized education.

However, Sun News Network's raison d'ĂȘtre has been "The Free market rules all" and "CBC sucks" from the start. They've always lauded the private sector and has consistently shown a disdain for publicly funded institutions. Saying in previous editorials:

In 2010 they said this:

Sun TV News is not, nor has it ever, asked for "mandatory carriage" by cable or satellite companies. As the critics correctly point out, this would be tantamount to a tax on everyone with cable or satellite service. It is what CBC News Network has, but not what we are asking for.

And this:

Sun TV News -- vilified by a small but hysterical group of very loud and arguably self-important critics -- will never ask for a single dollar from the pocket of the Canadian taxpayer, and never had the intention or even the wish to do so.
To Sun TV News, it is all about freedom of choice.
If you want it, and are willing to pay the subscription price, we want you to be able to have it.
If not, then no worries.

Their complete turnaround is hypocrisy of the highest magnitude. This news network, which have made their existence as an exercise in slamming public funding, now wants the public's money because their business model cannot survive here. Well, good riddance I say! I for one would not stand for it. If you agree, then there's this:

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629984

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