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how to get to know a guy without being creepy?

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We are both in college. I am graduating next june so basically i only have 6 months left after subtracting all the holidays and exam period. He is a year younger than me so we don't have any classes together. We don't join the same club or play the same sports. He's a rugby guy so there's no way I can try to play his sport just to get to know him. The only "interaction" that we have is randomly seeeing each other in school and exchanging glances. I never had enough courage to smile at him and he never did either. We don't have any common friends, not even a single one seriously.

I am not really sure why I am infatuated with him cause he ain't the best looking guy in people's opinion although in my eyes he is. The first time I saw him I just felt this very strong attraction and after checking out his twitter, I find that we share some weird traits and the most important thing is we have the same taste in music. I have never found anyone that like my kind of music! Furthermore, he doesn't appear childish or shallow like most in my school. He actually reads literature for goodness sake. He appears as this shy, quiet and mysterious guy which intrigues me so much.

Anyway, back to my main question, how can I get to know him? I find it hard to smile at him properly, let alone start a conversation! I don't want us to meet through social media either, that just sucks. I haven't had such a crush as intense as this in a long time. If only we talk to each other, we would so instantly click I just know it! :(

You have gotta help me. I actually feel like doing something with this crush and not let it die out with time but I'm too chickened to take any action!


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