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40 lessons (finding strength)

This list gave me some things to think about. I picked out two off the list that hit a nerve with me. If you want to join in, review the list, pick one or two, and comment about them.



1. You are not what happened to you in the past. – No matter how chaotic the past has been, the future is a clean, fresh, wide open slate. You are not your past habits. You are not your past failures. You are not how others have at one time treated you. You are only who you think you are right now in this moment. You are only what you do right now in this moment.
I forgot who I was because of my marriage. My alcoholism kept me from spiritual growth and did not allow me to be the person I was meant to be. I will be working on growth in my spiritual, emotional and mental needs


37. You always have a choice. – No matter what, there are always at least two options. If you can't physically change something, you can change the way you think about it. You can sit in the dark, or you can find your inner light and discover powerful pieces of yourself you never knew existed. You can view a crisis as an invitation to learn something new, viewing the shake-up in your outer world as an enlightening opportunity to wake-up your inner world.
Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.


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