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Typical problems with girl I'm interested in

For one, thanks for anybody taking their time to read this. I tend to probably make posts long winded but I always feel the need to add plenty of detail, please bare with me.

A couple months ago I found out about this girl who at the time had a boyfriend. My friend knew her and I found her out because she saw one of my friend's pictures with me in it and followed me afterwards (on instagram). Out of respect I didn't pursue her but I did add her on facebook just for the hell of it. Upon accepting my request she liked a few of my recent statuses. That weekend myself and a couple friends, including the one that knows her went to the movies. Her and her boyfriend showed up coincidentally behind us in line. Her and I exchanged eye contact that was somewhat awkward because she was staring at me while she was saying hi to my friend and while her boyfriend was oblivious. We made the same eye contact in the theater itself when she walked in front of our seats and once more when she left after the movie. I told my friend about this and he said he'll try hanging out with her and bring me because he feels like she really isn't that attached to her boyfriend. We never ended up hanging out but she still made her facebook routine to liking stuff I'd post often.

Flash forward to about 3 weeks ago. That friend texts me asking if I want to go to the bar because the girl of this topic invited him and mentioned bringing me. Naturally I agreed and when we got there she ran over and hugged me saying it was nice to meet me in person finally. That night she kept sitting near me where ever we where and would add me into conversation, nothing overly flirtatious, just friendly. I left early because I had work but it was a good night.

That following Friday we were invited to the bar again by her, this time because she was bringing one of her friends for my friend to meet. This time she was more flirty with me, talking to me more one on one and alone than in a group. She was asking a lot of things about me, etc..overall it was great. To the side my friend told me she was telling him that her and her boyfriend are on the outs and that she just can't work up the courage to end it because she doesn't want to hurt him, but they've been that way for a couple months now. That he never wants to do anything with her and never sees her but she grew to be ok with all of it and I guess she was saying that she was over the relationship. They've been dating less than a year by the way.

Anyway, that night my friend's ride left early so he asked the girl if she would drive him to our other friend's where he was staying, she agreed but asked if I would come too and that she would bring me to my car after (completely out of her way). We dropped him off, talked on the way back, she laughed a lot, etc. After I got home I noticed facebook messages from her apologizing for being annoying if she was while drinking and thanks for taking the ride with her. The next morning it was the same thing, thank you for last night and what not. We talked most of the day via facebook messages until I gave her my number and she texted me immediately.

Flash forward more recent. She started asking me to hang out almost every day 2 weeks ago. At first with my other friend but now he says she doesn't talk to him at all anymore, just me. When we'd hang out she would seem very into me, take pictures with me, everything and always hung out with me alone. This week she asked me to hang out every single day, I only had the chance to twice but both times afterwards she would post about how she had such a lovely night and stuff.

Now last Thursday...two nights ago she asked if I wanted to meet her and her friend at the bar near me if I wasn't doing anything. I said yes but had to ask what the deal was with her and her boyfriend. She said she doesn't have one and that they've been broken up for at least a few days now. I asked because I didn't know if I would be causing drama and if I should back off, to which she replied "no not at all." So that night she was very close to me all night, when we'd talk she would rest her head against mine to hear me over everybody at the bar. While away her friend asked how I felt about her because she said she likes me and talks about me all the time and that when I kissed her on the cheek the other night when I left (last week one night) she was really happy and excited about it. I said I liked her but I'm still getting to know her. When I said I was leaving she walked me to my car and hugged me so I kissed her on the cheek and after she move her face to me so I kiss ed her, a bunch. She was overly excited and happy, I felt amazing after. She texted me hearts and said I was the cutest and other stuff like that. This morning she texted me as soon as she was up for work which she usually doesn't do and then talked to me all day, but here's where I started to get a little confused.

We had a conversation about her spilling coffee in her car on her way to work and how she got another one, but I read it wrong and thought she said she spilled that too, so she said:

Her: if that happened I'd drive right off a bridge.
me: I'd hope not, I'd never see your pretty face again.
Her: :) cut that out
me: alright
Her: Thanks <3

....I didn't want to ask her but I felt like that could of been a modest way of saying not to flatter her or if it was a way of saying to back up a little, like I'm moving too fast? The rest of the day was normal, even her saying for us to go on nature walks more so I'm not so stressed like I have been. But after she left work at 9 she didn't text me like she usually does. I thought it was odd but ended up falling asleep for a couple hours until around midnight. Still no text until around 1 where she said "you're probably asleep but I wanted to say goodnight and to feel better <3." I said I was up and about to go get coffee and she asked if I could meet her somewhere. I did and she told me her best friend who does local hip hop was shooting a video and she was part people who would be in the background and that's why she didn't text me sooner. We had coffee and talked for 3 or 4 hours until I said I was gonna call it a night, we hugged and then sat there looking at me so I k issed her goodbye again like the other night. But after getting home I figured she would have texted me saying goodnight or to let her know when I got home like she normally does but she didn't at all.

So that's my situation. I feel like she likes me but maybe I'm just trying to move too fast? Or just over analyzing every thing that's happening. I'm used to her texting me a lot but tonight her texting less seemed off, especially since I kissed her the night before. But most importantly I'm afraid of being her rebound. Her and her ex dated for 11 months but from what I gather it lost steam after 5 or 6, but still it just ended within a week ago and she has been increasingly showing interest in me, so I fear I'm her rebound. She literally never mentioned him in front of me and does not seem upset or bothered by it what so ever. Last Wednesday she went to a show that her ex bought them tickets for and asked me to go with her and use his ticket because he obviously wasn't, I couldn't though. She also doesn't hang out with other guys because when she's not at work she's asking her female friend and invites me to go with them every day.

This was long, I know and I don't blame anybody for passing it but I really like this girl and would like to know if anybody thinks I should back up, give up or just go with the flow and just take it day by day. I really do enjoy being with and around her and talking with her, so hopefully this is going in a good direction.

One last thing. I already thought about how if she had a boyfriend and showed interest in me, that she most likely would do the same to another guy she I was her boyfriend. If you met her and saw her boyfriend it would make more sense. I don't even know how they dated but they are nothing alike, he's a sports, sweatpants or basketball shorts kind of guy and she's a more hipster-like hair stylist with tattoos. I'm the same type as she only I'm covered in tattoos. I could of saw their relationship dwindling before it happened just by noticing how much they lack in common, so in I guess mine and her's defense, she sees more potential in me than she did with him, hence wanting to at least somewhat pursue me. I don't believe she is and unfaithful person or shady and I have asked a few of my friends that have known her and none of them said anything bad. And finally, it also seems like she was posting us hanging out in a way to make her ex boyfriend jealous, because of how their re lationship turned out. But the bulk of everything she posts about us is on her instagram, he doesn't use instagram so he can't see the pictures of us. And on facebook is where she'll just say how good her night was. So I don't really think she's trying to hide me nor rub me in anybody's face. That's just to clear a couple points I know could potentially be brought up. Thanks.

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