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I don't even know what to give this as a title

I started liking one of my guy friends in June. We weren't particularly close back then, merely two people who hung around with the same people, but we got closer over the school holidays and of course, I grew to like him more. We've got similar interests and he's a great laugh, he really brightens up my day.

A lot of the signals he gives off would suggest the same, but he's also notorious for friend zoning, so there's a possibility that could happen too. My friend liked him last year (she's over him so it's all good) and when she told him, he was really awkward about it all.

I drunkenly told his best friend that I liked him, and his best friend 'omg, I'm definitely hooking you two up!' I don't know whether or not his best friend told him, but if he did, he hasn't been awkward at all lately, in fact, he's been talking to me a lot more, huge greetings in the corridor etc.

Today, a group of his friends started questioning me about whether or not I think he's hot (he SO is). I didn't know what to say, you hardly respond with 'of course' in a situation like that, so I ummed and erred a lot and went bright red (and one of my friends next to me was in so much shock that she burst out laughing that it probably gave the game away).

So, do you think he knows? Does he like me back?

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