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I was charged with Battery

Before I tell you what happened, please don't judge me. I need to talk to someone about what is going on.

My wife and I are separated, She came over to pick up our son as we have been doing 50/50 custody since the seperation a year ago. We were talking about finances and to make a long story short she had tried to take some mail off the counter (she does not live here) that had both our names on it. We got into a tug of war match. I would say we both acted like 2 year old kids and made the situation much worse. We were in the garage struggling over this mail and we both fell. While on the ground we were still both tugging at this mail. So stupid so stupid so stupid. I'm so pissed I let a situation get the best of me.

Her head hit the floor at some point and so did mine. She had a huge welp on her dead. I had one too but didn't notice right away but we calmed down and talked. She stayed here for an hour after this happened. We went over our childs homework and things were calm as they could be considering. Her friend came over to look at her head. Her and her friend came inside and I let her friend use the bathroom and my wife and I gathered my childs school stuff. I walked my child to the car and put him in and kissed him by. The wife and friend were still in the house so I went back in to see what they were doing and her friend was texting her something and I got a bad feeling .
So they left and went back to my wifes parents (where she is staying) and next thing I know the police are in the driveway asking me questions. I told them my story and she told them I intentionally bashed her head on the ground. So of course I get arrested. I asked the officer to take a picture of the lump on my head and he wouldn't. He did mention it in the police report. I have never been in trouble in my life except for some speeding tickets. Not even when I was in school so I was traumatized by the whole ordeal. I could not believe what was happening.

I spent the night in jail and had to wait till 4pm to see the judge so I could get out. I was released but can not contact her or I go back to jail. I talked to her father the night I got back. He told me she had filed a restraining order with the court and I was going to be served today. That didn't happen so far. Of course he is pissed at me but we did have a good conversation and he asked me not to call him back which I have obliged. The restraing order he was reading me says I can't contact her or my child. That is the hard part. I have not been served so the restraining order is not official until I get it. But my bond has restrictions so I think its best to let things settle down?

I am so worried about my son. He is a daddies boy and is with me so much. I have always been #1 to him. And what makes me mad is this is only hurting him if he doesn't see me. Obviously my wife is using this as a power play in the divorce and custody. I told her dad that I wanted to sign the divorce papers and be done with this. But now wife is pissed and saying no to that. Im hoping once the dust settles she will come to her senses and do what is best for our child. She really wants this divorce over with. I was the one who hung on to something that was not there. She had papers drawn up once and I didn't want to sign them because I was not happy with some of the things. In hindsight I should of.

Of course now I want to be done. I cant fight this anymore. I have no fight in me. The restraining order that I have not received had an OCT 2nd court date for a hearing. I told my lawyer about it to get prepared. But I have to find some way to make it through the next 2 weeks alone without my child who I have only been a few days at most without his whole life. I just sit here and mope. Can't sleep. Can't eat. I know what people say to, get sleep, stay busy and try not to think about it. Its so easy to say that when its not you in the situation.

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