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Sexual insecurities in LDR

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year and a half. Our relationship started as a LDR one but we do our best to travel as often as we can. Regardless cultural differences and an age gap (7 years) we just click together and I know he is my soul mate. I am moving to England in a couple of months to start university, so there will be no more time zones and long flights!

I have been under a lot of pressure during the past month with exams and all of the stress has helped me bottle up my emotions and fears towards our relationship. We haven't seen one another in two months and we need to go one more without seeing one another. We have gone six months without physical contact, so I guess I can't say that not seeing him triggered my strange behavior.
I've been acting not like myself in the past few days. Asking him things about his exes, doubting he feels as sexually attracted to me as before. I should add that even though I've had other relationships before, he was my first. Considering the fact that our relationship has started as a long distance one we haven't had many opportunities to explore our sexuality. The last time when we were together was great but before that we just needed to tune in. I am usually a very confident woman but my achilles heel is the fact I am worried if he feels sexually satisfied - not that he doesn't tell me or show me he does but in the beginning of our relationship he used to send me pictures and just express his desire more often. Blinded and deluded, I have compared myself to the brief stories I have heard about his exes, not realizing that when he was with them they didn't need to rush to see the Eiffel Tower or the Sistine Chapel. Being so busy with finals lately we haven't had much ch ance for time on cam. Yesterday night we were messing around and I was asking him how often he watches porn, when I heard an answer "one or two times a week" considering we haven't had any cam time in weeks, I flipped. I felt like my insecurities and fears burst out of my tight little bottle and flooded him. He said my behavior was anything but attractive.

We have grown so much for the time we have been together and our relationship has changed for better. But my fears are threatening to ruin what we have built. We talked for another hour after my outburst and he wants to help me calm my soul and find my path to my normal self. He keeps saying that he loves me more than anything or anyone but I now feel like I am harming him more than cherishing him. We've decided to deal with my emotions together. I am scared I will mess it all up. I don't want to be clingy or depending, I am just scared not to lose what we have because of my childish act.

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