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Marriage - What's in it other than grief?

I've been married for about 15 months and I have to ask:

Why the hell do people do it?

The only reason I can see is to parent children.

It's an endless cycle of conflict and love, slowly I'm finding the conflicts drive away any interest in love or intimacy.

There's nothing in this? The marriage ceremony; reception, cake, dancing, photos and presents creates a false hope.

I've known this woman for 6 years, but never dreamed marriage would be so unhappy.

I'd rather be sort of happy on my own, than completely miserable half the time.

We've seen a counselor about 8 times, but all the advice in the world is useless if the woman ignores it.

Somehow I feel conned quite frankly :confused:

It's easy to see why the divorce rate is about 60%, I'm surprised it's not higher

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