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Mates are throwing women at me...

Not just my mates trying to hook me up, but it turns out I had a "waiting list" after all... or that they just never thought of me that way until now, can never tell. So now a few are throwing themselves at me feet first. Hell if my STBX and I were still reconciling she would explode, but now meh.

I find it rather curious, because I'm not in the best shape since last month, and I haven't been my usual flirty/charming/playful self. It's probably the cash, but then again, I'm losing my house =/
I don't get it!

Anyways, my mates are saying that there are so many single women in Sydney and that I'm doing them all a dis-service by going into "stealth mode" and celibacy. Personally I'm not interested in sex anymore, had enough of feeling like a bag of meat, nor another potential future ex-wife, so my desire for women is diminished.

My interests involve only me, my daughter and my cat, and no room for anyone else. But it seems the more I push them away the more they want it... bah! How to get them both to stop?
I have to admit, the constant temptation is making it harder for me to stick to my decision of celibacy.

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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