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Narcissism + Conspiracy Theories

As some of you know my bf/fiancé of 3 years has been extra intense lately.

He often says how amazed he is with himself for "piecing it all together" and how smart he is. He says this at minimum 5x/week. He especially pulls it out during arguments. As in he is so much further along the "spiritual" path than I am.

We got in another argument last night. I often feel disrespected and talked down to. After getting off the phone with me by saying, "Bye...gotta go." And abruptly hanging up he texted something about setting intentions for the new moon. I said "lol" because I had my fill of his selfishness and disrespect for the day. This completely set him off. The texts and emails that followed were (again) rude and way off-base. Yesterday I tried to explain to him that my one desire in life is "happiness" (peace/contentment). Here are his texts:

"Fine. Dont set ur intentions and keep applying ur nikotine happy patch. Ul never find wat ur lookin 4 -jus like all the other sheep. "

"If im rite-all of u wil b in 4 a wild and rude awakining. And yoga wont save ya"

"Ur diffikult"

"Dont ***ing laf at me. jus kuz ur with 95 percent of the rest of the sheep. It aint my fault if u havnt awoken but belev u hav."

"U hav no idea wat ur in 4. Good luk"

Then came the emails. Here is one:

"you take pictures of food ,,,you wear yoga pants everywhere believing the world wants to see your ass.

its tacky, J.

but I can live with these things...
but I cannot take u laughing at things that I take very seriously.
I kant help it if you choose to live in a 3d world and don't want to further ur journey.
its your choice and its not my business what you do with your ka"

Note that I wear yoga pants to YOGA and I've posted THREE pictures of creative raw food dishes I came up with over the course of 2 years.

Then I get a text this morning:



"Intresting tidbit-This years supersheep bowl stadium sits rite on the 33rd paralel, in pheonix-home of the nu mason u.s. Headquarters and undrground exakt size replika of egyptian pyramid-but off limits 2 the sheep. This lokation joins the ranks of nagasaki, hiroshima, the trinity bomb test site, fort sumter and the begining of the civil war, and all the worlds pyramids such as xian, misisipi pyramids, cairo egypt, iraq temples, iran,tibet, libya, etc. It is konsiderd earths main blood/energy artery 4 mystics such as the bush family/other luciferans, and is the top choice of mass sakrifice of the sheep. I bet the sportskasters didnt tel u that.. welkom to the lucifer matrix."

"By the way-if u think i make this stuf up- research the phoenix pin. The luciferan females wear this when they give their publik speeches on ur televisions. They wil wear a red dress to invoke the power. Sarah palin, Hilary klinton, any u.s. Fed female, etc.-they all wear it 2 invoke. -Keep shopping and paying ur taxes..."

He is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I know you are all going to tell me to run for my life and I know that's the right thing to do. I'm just so confused as to my feelings toward him. Why do I still love him despite the weird things he says?


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