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Fed up of being single

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Fed up of being single
Basically, I'm in my final year of uni and since I started I've had one really basic 4 month relationship where I couldn't even call him my boyfriend and a boyfriend on my year abroad who treated me like **** and just used me for sex. Maybe this sounds naïve of me, but I always just kind of assumed that boys at uni would be more mature and there would be a lot more choice at uni. I was never particularly attractive at school but before coming to uni I lost a lot of weight and started taking care of myself so I'd say I'm actually pretty attractive now and I thought that uni would be a fresh start. I'm a nice person and funny etc (if a little shy), so I can't really understand why I don't have a boyfriend. This is made even more difficult by the fact that my one and only flatmate has a boyfriend of 4 years who she always invites round and I end up feeling like a gooseberry a lot of the time. Anyway, I tried to stop feeling sorry for myself and started using tinder a few weeks ago to "put myself out there" a bit more. So far I've been on dates with 3 guys but I don't really "click" with any of them, despite the fact that I made an effort to talk to them and get to know them before the dates. One of the tinder guys even seemed quite nice until I discovered he had been lying about his age and was divorced with 2 kids! The second tinder guy… well, I ended up sleeping with him on the second date and I'm debating whether I want to see him again as I really don't want just a sexual relationship. As for the third tinder guy, well we just didn't click, simple as that. I don't know… On the one hand maybe I should be more proactive and join societies to meet guys, but it's very difficult when you're in final year with a massive workload and now that I'm in final year I'm fed up of the whole "hi where do you live? What do you study" awkward conversations. yet I don't understand how other people seem to just have found boyfriends without trying…. I think the whole thing is made more difficult by the fact that my younger sister seemed to have just stumbled across her boyfriend of over a year who she actually refers to as the "love of her life". Of course I'm really happy for her but it can be difficult. Meh… I am honestly trying to be positive and I'm not actually as negative as I sound in this post, it's just spending another Friday night alone whilst my flatmate visits her boyfriend is starting to take it's toll.
Does anyone have any advice? How did you any of you find your boyfriends? And please don't tell me to stop looking, because nothing ever seems to happen whether I'm looking or not. Thank you!


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