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Would you approach a Muslim girl in a headscarf?

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Let's get straight to the facts. I'm a headscarf wearing Bengali Muslim girl and an interracial marriage is something that I'd love to be destined for my future. After countless discussions with my parents (whom are very much set in their cultural ways), they have agreed for me to find someone of my liking who is not of the same ethnicity. Unfortunately, my parents refuse to help me look outside of our own ethnicity so it's all on me to find him.

Lately I've been keeping an eye out for a decent guy to get to know, but how do you get to know if a guy is worth getting to know if the headscarf acts as a warning sign to most guys in the vicinity. It's almost like I have a sign on my scarf saying "GO AWAY, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TALK TO ME!" Lool, okay so maybe not that extreme but you get my drift right?

So, can anyone give me some sort of direction or advice on how to get past this issue? How would you try and overcome this issue? What are your thoughts? Anyone else in the same situation?

Also, to the nice guys, do you think twice before talking/getting to know a girl if she's wearing a headscarf? E.g. if you saw her in a coffee shop, would you approach her if you wanted to speak to her?

P.s. to all those who may respond back telling me that this is wrong islamically or, why are you wearing a headscarf then ect.. understand that I am merely intending to get to know someone that could potentially be the amazing man that I'm destined to marry. I am fully aware of where my boundaries lie and I do not plan to cross the line. I just want to keep my options open rather than be forced to marry into culture as I am fully aware there are amazing people from all different backgrounds, why limit myself? So please respect that and refrain from any negativity. Thanks :)


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