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Will it make a difference?

Hi all! I'm a newb :) This is actually my first post.

So, let me first say, I DO love my husband. He's a good man, but as all other human beings, he has faults. I'm perfect, of course (haha, juuuuuuuuuust kidding).

So, he is in the Army. Has been all of our marriage and a year before we got married. We have 3 kiddo's. We have a lot on our plate financially. Probably more than we should given certain circumstances.

My issue is because he was raised by his dad who was never money conscience, he really isn't either. I handle our finances because I am good at making sure we are where we need to be. I am thrifty, and smart with what we have to work with.

He is happy with me doing it, but still just spends without thinking. Little things here and there, ALL the time. We've tried the allowance thing, and he just burns through it then uses the debit card.

At this point I am thinking maybe he needs to see it all for himself. Maybe I need to have him take over bill pay and money management. I don't think he understands how much money he is pouring down the toilet on literally nothing most of the time.

However I am scared he won't be able to do it. He's tried before and forgets bills, ect. Or maybe if we do this I can just basically go behind him just to be sure but not let him know that, because honestly I don't want to hurt his feelings or make him think I don't think he can handle it. Although honestly it's just not his thing.

I know fighting about money is pretty common across the board in marriages, but I don't want to fight about it more than need be. Or at all if we can help it. Any suggestions are very much appreciated.


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