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Is my boyfriend using me?

Hi, ive been with my bf for just over 3 years now and lately I just feel more used. Over the past few years ive paid for both of us to go abroad twice, days and nights out (he has paid but not as much as me) probably lent him over 1,000£ (he has gave it back) I drive, he doesn't and i constantly give him lifts to and from work when im off. (I have to make plans around his work schedule) He doesn't give my mum any money although he stops here every night. He smokes weed and most of his wages go on this, and its gettingme down. He's a good boyfriend other than that, always affectionate and loving, wants to spend time with me.. it's just this issue. Ive talked to him about it and he says he will change but we had this chat this time last year too and hes gone back to his old ways again. How are we meant to build a future together if he cant even give my mum 10£ a week? He gets around 250£ a week which goes on paying people back, weed, phone bill and food. I just want some advice :/


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