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Ladies - I need your dating perspective!!

Online dating -

Here's the deal, I'm a male in my mid-twenties, highly successful, and attractive (6'3, very in shape, etc). I work a lot, and online dating seemed like a great way to meet girls in a similar situation. Being young though, I wasn't ready for "", or "eharmony", so I joined OkCupid. I was surprised to find a lot of very attractive girls, and thought this would be great!

I've now gone on 3 dates, all of which I think went quite well. They lasted 1+ hours (the longest was 2:15, with great conversation+vibe)... but I've failed to go on a 2nd date with ANY of them... DESPITE each of them saying they would like to.

Weird, right? Here's what I don't understand - It seems like these girls make ZERO EFFORT to get together with me, which to me, sends a very clear signal of "I'm actually not that interested, didn't want to tell you." They never text me (I'm always the one texting them), and when I offer a date, they never seem to make a strong effort to go on it.

Quick example to make things more clear - I went on a date a week ago. It went very well, we talked for 2 hours, I really liked her, and at the end of the date she asked me "so, do you want to meet up again"? I said sure. I texted her later that night saying I had a great time and would definitely like to get together soon.

3 days pass - no communication. I text on the 4th day to see if she wants to meet up. Cant, "family is in town". 2 more days pass, again, I text to see if she wants to meet up... "Can't tonight, so much work to do!".

This has been nearly the exact same experience with the other two girls. I don't get it. Why do things seem to go very well on the first date, they agree to meet up again, and then ALL EFFORT drops and I get a clear feeling they are not really interested. Am I just crazy?

The only advice I have gotten from my other guy friends is "dude, that's just the chase... you have to keep trying to meet up with her or someone else will". That's not my style at all though, and never has been. If I show interest in a girl, I expect her to clearly reciprocate that interest. I'm not gunna grovel and waste time.

So... wtf is going on here? :boggled:

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