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Is my STBX electronically spying on me? How can I find the signs?

I had written up a pretty good basis for my feeling this way, then I lost the whole darned txt I had written with the stroke of one

In short;

2 yrs ago X (STBX in short), had an emotional affair that he admitted to, even in our whopping 2 sessions of counseling). I knew something was up because he took his phone with him always, was rude 2 me, distant, and alway on that phone, and threatened divorce constantly.

Now he is leaving his phone at home while gone...ALL of the time...always in places it never used to be.

He's purchased electronics and not left receipts out (I do the books, high $ purchase receipt is MIA). I still do the books even though divorce is imminent, because I know he knows I'm not high maintenance and I've NEVER screwed him over!

We have an agreement on how we will divorce and any time I mention wanting to talk to a lawyer (to CMA), he gets verbally angry and says things just want to take me for as much as you can get! All I want is to be sure what I sign is what I should sign...didn't take marriage lightly and I'm sure not going to during divorce. My first, his 4th:O

He has done suttle things that make me wonder if I can even use the bathroom in privacy! He has always been the "tech", person in our house. Though I'm not totally neive about technology, he is above me in the aspect by far.

My cell has been acting strange from time to time, and his demeanor has also been questionable.


Wish I could've not lost what was previously written so this didn't sound like I'm a paranoid freak, but I don't have the time to rewrite it.

HOW can I tell if I'm being video'd in the house, or if my cell is also tapped. I have nothing to hide for crying out loud, but the pressure of having to live in the same house is just plain killing me, and filing now will also cause me severe financial hardship. BETTER YET, is it legal to do so in a shared house? We are in separate rooms, shared space. This man that was my best friend, my now the one I fear the most!?!?!

Apologies my question was not laid out as best as it could've been you all could reply better. I'll answer any questions put forth as soon as I can. Chores ya know...can't be on the cell all day;)


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