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I Don't Think I Can

Hello. Some of you may be familiar with my RJ issues. It's getting worse. In spite of EVERYTHING that can be removed as a trigger having been removed, I'm still spiraling down. I don't really know what to say. I'm feeling inferior in every way possible. Income, size, performance, how much she wanted to save that relationship. My self worth is in the tank. I have no good days now, only days that aren't as bad. No matter what GF says, I don't believe her. I don't understand how a woman stays with a guy that serial cheats and makes her his slave. I don't get it. The only thing that makes sense to me is that she loved him more than she'll ever love me. And I'm pushing her further away every day. I CAN'T STOP!

How do you stop these thoughts? How can you make a thought leave your mind? How can I make myself believe what she says?

ETA: Oh, and before you start Cletus, if I could just get over it I promise you I would. ;)


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